Mister Supranational Romania 2021

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28 year old Geany Daniel Zamfir was appointed Mister Supranational Romania during the last quarter of 2020. The 1.83m personal trainer enjoys dancing and bodybuilding in his free time. He dreams of setting up a nutrition school that will focus on helping people maintain their body shape as well as eating healthier food.

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Should he win the title of Mister Supranational 2021, Geany would like to promote a non-sedentary lifestyle.  “As a graduate of the Romanian-American University, with a degree in Techno-European Economics, I learned that we must constantly balance energy and costs to achieve and maintain this, in economics or in everyday life. Young people and their parents, overwhelmed by technology or daily worries, forget or put in the background necessary for a healthy life, or become aware of this when it is too late,” he says.

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Welcome to the Supra Family, Geany. We look forward to meeting you later this year.