Mister Supranational Peru 2020


Varo Vargas (30) was elected as Mister Supranational Peru 2020 earlier this year. He stands 1.86m tall and lives in Lima. Varo is a professional singer and model. In his free time, he loves composing new songs, singing, playing soccer and meditating.


His short-term goal is to win his country’s first ever Mister Supranational title and his long-term goal is to be an international recording artist. Should he win the title of Mister Supranational, he would like to reach as many people as possible not only as a voice that sings but also as a voice that can inspire people. He believes that the pandemic we are facing this year has shown us many life lessons and he would love to use the lessons he has learned and share them with others hoping that we can all learn to find happiness during challenging times.


Welcome to the Supra Family, Varo! See you next year for the 5th edition of Mister Supranational.