Mister Supranational Canada 2023

Mister Supranational Canada 2023 is Luis Portelles. Currently living in Montreal, Luis was born and raised in Holguin, Cuba. Luis graduated with a Bachelors degree in Communications, focusing on Media Studies and Organizational Communications. He is currently working in Financial Institution as a Resource Officer. He enjoys watching movies, listening to music, spending time with his friends and taking on many creative endeavours, such as vlogging.

Luis’ From the Ground Up project is called Extraordinary Talks. He uses this have the voices and stories of influential figures in the pageant industry heard. His biggest goal is to inspire his audience and equip them with the knowledge that his guests have acquired through their experiences.

This July, Luis will be joining us in Nowy Sacz, Malopolska to represent Canada on the Mister Supranational stage. Welcome to the Supra Family, Luis. See you in Nowy Sacz.